drawing on emotions.

My name is Jon Henjum. I have been drawing since the early 80’s. That’s a lot of lead or charcoal or ink. Pets, People, Houses, you name it, I will draw it.

if you like to see people cry...
i can help, in a good way.

Most of the drawings I do are of subjects that are very emotional to people. Be it a loved pet, person or object, the connection between the viewer and something they treasure in the form of  a drawing is unlike anything else they can receive. I know this first-hand as I have stacks of thank you cards from people who have been deeply moved by my drawings. Yes, sometimes I make them cry.

my latest drawing in time lapse...

original photo

final charcoal drawing on grey paper

say hi.

I am always available.
I can be reached at 920.371.4719 or email below: